Tag Archives: fundraising

Halifax Minster Choir – Fundraising for Germany Tour

Halifax Minster fundraises throughout the year to finance their young chorister choir. Most of the monies raised goes into funding a broad musical education for the children.  The young Choristers rehearse for two hours every Tuesday in term time, learning to read music, to learn important key board skills, music theory and singing in both small groups as well as in the full choir.  Four people are involved in the tutoring of the Choristers and our aim is to give them a rounded musical education. The Minster music department is completely self funding so every penny counts.

In August, the choir along with 13 junior Choristers will be touring Germany and taking part in the commemoration of the German Reformation.  We still need to raise money for the juniors.  If you can help in anyway perhaps raffle donations, cash donation (however small or large) or volunteering within the Minster we would be most grateful.  We have around £2,000 to raise so please help us if you can.

Should you wish to donate and discuss how you can help, please contact Graham Gribbin (organist) on either 07775 593949 or use the contact form below.


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Wainsgate Chapel, Wainsgate, Old Town, Hebden Bridge HX7 8SU




Wainsgate Chapel is facing closure in February 2017 unless it can be restored to Fire Compliant standard.
Friends of Wainsgate (FOW), and Historic Chapels Trust who own the building, are doing their best to secure the necessary funding but help is urgently needed from all those who care about this amazing building, and the fabulous organ it houses.

PLEASE visit:   www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/Wainsgate-Chapel?utm_id=1&utm_term=8YA32YAqz where you will find Katharine Drury, FOW Secretary’s, crowdfunding appeal.


Thank you.





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