Category Archives: News and Views
Musical Pioneers: Women in the organ world – 14 September 2021
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Sir George Thalben-Ball [1896-1987]
Simon Lindley reflects on the commemorative recital for Sir George Thalben-Ball…
“Sir George Thalben-Ball’s Last week was 125 years on from the birth of Sir George [or Doctor] in Sydney NSW.
The Thalben Ball Memorial Trust, headed up by founder Jonathan Rennert, Organist at St Michael’sCornhill – home of succesive holders of the Thalben-Ball Trust Organ Scholarship – had arranged a magnificent commemorative recital in the capable hands – and feet – of Carl Jackson MVO, Organist of HM Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace, and Immediate Past Grand Organist to the United Grand Lodge of English Freemasons. Carl and Christopher Stokes his successor in office have recently presented wonderful Concerts on the Willis IIIi instrument of 1933 recently splendidly restored and renewed by Harrison with s new central diapason chorus and a “Grand” Tuba – one couldn’t really give it any other title! – within a new case. The Willis III scheme has been left untouched.
Google Cornhill Music Carl Jackson and you’ll easily locate their You tube provision I think for some time yet! Carl and Chris’s performances at Freemasons’ Hall are likewise still available.
Today’s was a simply inspiring and deeply memorable commemoration.
Wonderful music. brilliantly played.
Grateful thanks to Jonathan and his Cornhill Music colleagues and warmest congratulations to Carl of course.”
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*In Person* Summer Organ Recitals at Leeds Minster
1st August – Henry Websdale (Florence) including Bach’s ‘Wedge’ Prelude and Fugue, Vierne’s ‘Gargouilles and Naïades’ and Walton’s Orb and Sceptre
8th August – Alexander Woodrow (Leeds) including Bach’s G major Prelude and Fugue, Rheinberger’s Sonata VIII and Dupre’s Prelude and Fugue in G minor
15th August – Peter Irving (Solihull) including Mendelssohn’s Third Sonata in A major, Elgar’s Chanson de Matin, and the Final of Vierne’s Symphonie V
22nd August – Thomas Moore (Wakefield) including a complete performance of Vierne’s Symphonie I, plus music by Bach and Carson Cooman
29th August – Cathy Lamb (Lichfield) including music by Francis Jackson, Bach’s C minor Passacaglia, and Whitlock’s Plymouth Suite
Standard Admission: £5, under-18s Free.
Season Ticket to all five recitals: £20
Email alex.woodrow@leedsminster.org to purchase season tickets in advance or for any other details.
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Organ looking for a new home
This organ which is owned by the Christian Society Keighley is looking for a new home due to the sale of their premises. It is labelled as a New English Organ Series 70 Spec C from Miller Organs Ltd Norwich.
If you are interested, please contact Paul on pandcrhodes@btinternet.com. Please note, it needs to be removed from the premises by 30 June 2021.
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King’s Lynn Minster Organ Recitals 2021
These are taking place on a Tuesday lunchtime at 12.30pm. Click here for details of the programme.
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FOR SALE – Superb three-stop practice organ built by Skrabl in 2010
For sale is a superb three-stop practice organ built by Skrabl in 2010 and in mint condition. It has been owned by an English cathedral organist. Manual I: Gedackt 8’. Manual II: Rohr Flute 8’, Flute 4’. The pedals can be coupled to either manual and the manuals can be coupled. Price £25,000.
Please click here for full advert and contact details.
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RCO 2021 Summer Courses
RCO Summer Course Online, 2–5 August
Artistic Director: Andrew Cantrill-Fenwick
For organists of ‘all ages and stages’
Choose up to four Essential Skills classes each day from these topics each of which is offered at two or more levels: ‘Fundamentals of Technique’, Keyboard Musicianship, Improvisation, Listening Skills, Theory, Working with Choirs
Book individual tuition tailored to your needs
Join informal lunchtime chat sessions
Attend early evening lectures and recitals with time to ‘meet the presenter’
TOSE (The Organ Student Experience) Online, 27–29 July
Artistic Director: Daniel Moult
For ambitious teenage organists of c. grade 6 level and above. Course content includes:
One individual 30-minute lesson with one of our star teachers
Participatory choral directing sessions led by Esther Jones
‘The Complete Musician – participatory classes in hymn playing, choral accompaniment, transposition, score reading and keyboard harmony
Presentations on how to improvise and sight reading
Lectures on key repertoire areas
Talks on the admission procedures for study at conservatoire or university (including applying for organ scholarships)
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Organist required – St Peter’s Church, Hartshead
St Peter’s Church, Hartshead is looking for an organist to play for Sunday worship and possibly for some funerals.
The Sunday service is at 11 am and usually lasts around an hour. They are looking for an organist to play at the beginning and end of the service and also for the hymns, (there are usually 4) and also during the distribution of communion. The organ is small but a good instrument and they also have a good quality digital piano.
It’s a fairly traditional church in terms of hymns but there is a willingness to try some new things. At present there isn’t a choir but that is something that may change as we come out of lockdown.
The remuneration will be discussed with the applicants for the position and there is also the possibility that it could become a full-time position if there was interest in that. Please contact Rev Dr Sally Wallace-Jones on revsamwj@gmail.com if you are interested in discussing the vacancy further.
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Bradford Festival Choral Society: Haydn-Nelson Mass
This event is being streamed on YouTube on 8 May 2021 at 7.30pm. Please click here to see further information.
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RCO Panel on Organ Education
A panel discussion on organ education facilitated by Anna Lapwood. This is the full version of the discussion which was featured in the Organ Show on Friday 23 April – click here to watch and listen to the discussion.
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