Click here to view a series of discussions/lessons on Bach’s’ Orgelbüchlein by Dr Tom Rishton. There is one episode per prelude.
Author Archives: Laura Wilson
Bach’s Orgelbüchlein
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Organists Review / Incorporated Association of Organists invite submissions of a newly composed hymn tune
The purpose of the competition is to revive some good but under-used words that need a
good new tune to increase their popularity. What is ‘good’ is up to the composer to determine.
The winner will receive £200 and publication of their piece in Organists’ Review and its
associated social media (though they will, of course, be free to make publication arrangements of
their own after this).
Please click here to see more information about the OR/IAO hymn tune competition, deadline 1 May 2024.
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Oxbridge Choral and Organ Award Masterclass – Tuesday 20th February
A masterclass aimed at musical students considering an Oxbridge Choral or Organ award, is being held at Bradford Cathedral on 20 February 2024 at 6.30pm.
Louisa Denby from Cambridge University will be visiting the Cathedral for a recital in February and as part of her stay in Yorkshire, Louisa will be offering a masterclass and information session on the Choral and Organ Scholarship awards schemes at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
This promises to be a fascinating and insightful evening in which they hope to demystify this often confusing process! Louisa is the Director of Studies in Music at Downing College, Cambridge and also the Co-Ordinator of the Choral Awards Scheme across Cambridge University. She has been an Organ Scholar and Assisting Organist at a number of colleges herself, and is a fount of knowledge on all such matters!
Louisa will lead everyone through the application, audition and awards process, as well as offering some sample tests for both Choral and Organ Award applicants. She will also be extremely happy to talk to anyone considering studying music about the course at Cambridge, as well as students considering any course about University collegiate life at Cambridge and Oxford.
The event is open to all in school years 10-13 or older who have yet to apply to university. Please sign up via this link here.
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New – RCO podcast!
Dedicated to the world of the organ, organists and organ music, The Organ Podcast will be published fortnightly to inform and entertain organists ‘of every age and stage’, as well as organ enthusiasts and those who are simply curious and want to know more about our instrument and music. Episodes will feature interviews with leading UK and international organists, visit historic or little-known organs of interest, catch-up with organ rebuilds and restorations, and encounter a diverse mix of individual organ-related activities, news, discussions and initiatives from around the world. Our presenter Mark O’Brien is both an organist and an award-winning former BBC radio and tv producer. In the first episode you can hear him exploring the restoration of Manchester Town Hall’s 1877 Cavaillé-Coll organ; joining Tom Bell as he completes a new recording of Olivier Messiaen’s Livre du Saint Sacrement from Blackburn Cathedral; and meeting Margaret Phillips at her remarkable English Organ School & Museum.
The Organ Podcast is available free of charge from Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon and all popular podcast directories. It is also available to hear to via the College’s YouTube page, or simply visit to find links to all these outlets and more.
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Upcoming RCO Events
For teenaged organists:
The Organ Student Experience (TOSE) Week
23–28 July, Oxford
An essential course for organists of grade 7+ level. Directed by Daniel Moult, if offers tuition in repertoire, technique, keyboard musicianship and choral directing and accompanying. An early booking discount is available until the end of February and bursaries are offered. Ideal for any young organist, especially those preparing for or considering university or cathedral/church organ scholarships, or study at a conservatoire. Full details and online booking at (For those for whom these dates are not convenient we also have our Summer Course in London 29 July–3 August,
Saturday 16 March, London
Many of the TOSE Week ingredients packed into one day for organists of grade 5 level and above using the organs of St Lawrence Jewry and St Michael Cornhill churches in the City of London. Tuition led by Daniel Moult and Simon Williams. Full details and online booking are available at (this event is fully booked – email to be added to the waiting list).
The Organ Student Experience (TOSE) Community
New this academic year, TOSE Community offers all teenaged RCO Student Members, regardless of level of experience, the opportunity to meet online twice termly. The hour-long meetings are hosted by Tom Bell and Cathy Lamb with interviews and presentations from leading and emerging professional organists. Details of the next meeting can be found at and information on the benefits of RCO Membership and how to join can be found at Please note that those learning with RCO Accredited Teachers are entitled to join the RCO at the Affiliate Student Member rate. This offers all the benefits of regular Student Membership but at half the cost. Click the link for details of membership benefits and to join online
For all organists:
RCO Summer Course for Organists
29 July-3 August, London
An unmissable week for organists of all ages and stages directed by Drew Cantrill-Fenwick. The programme includes repertoire tuition in graded Organ Studios, a variety of Skills classes to choose from, talks, individual lessons, practice time, the chance to play in student concerts and daily services and more. Visit for full details and to book your place. An early-bird discount on the tuition fees is available until the end of March. Please note that those aged under 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
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Organist Required – 10 December 2023
An organist/pianist is urgently required for the annual memorial service for bereaved relatives on Sunday 10 December 2023 which takes place at Warburton’s Funeral Service chapel, which is located in Todmorden.
The organist plays suitable music while people arrive from about 3.30pm and the service starts at 4.00pm and is usually very well attended.
Service music required: generally 4 well known Christmas carols plus a reflective piece while people light candles. Organists need to take all their own music – including a hymn book. The electronic instrument has 2 offset short manuals, a variety of different voices and some pedals offset to the left. It is best suited to simple pieces and it is advisable to get there early to experiment with settings.
If you require further details or to discuss the fee, please contact Michelle in the office on 01706 813329 or email
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Kent Organists’ Association Competition March 2024
For further information on this upcoming competition, click here.

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Hauptwerk digital chamber continuo organ
This newly built organ is now ready to find its new home. See below for the details:
Newly built 3 stop continuo organ. Made of solid oak and oak veneered MDF.
The keyboard is a Fatar TP6.
The control panel to the left has 3 drawstops and controls for volume and transposing.
Computer and speakers are inside.
The unit is designed to be portable, without dismantling, and should fit in most cars. It is currently running Hauptwerk, ideal for someone who already has a Hauptwerk licence on an iLok dongle, though with a little reconfiguration, it could run the same sample set using Grandorgue instead. The sample set allows for the stops to be 8,4,2 or 8,4,4 as required.
If you are interested, please contact Paul on

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Prof. David Baker – Organ Recital, 30 September 2023 at St. John’s Church, Welburn
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Organ looking for a new home
Please click here for more information about a Viscount Grand Opera Rondo Domus 1332 organ that is currently in Sheffield, West Yorkshire but looking for a new home.

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