Tag Archives: New Music

Ripon Cathedral New Music Week & Organ Competition

New Music Week Ripon Cathedral – May 2018

As part of their annual programme, Ripon Cathedral will be holding a celebration of New Church music in May 2018.

The pattern of regular services will include a full diet of liturgical music written by established contemporary composers, and will also encourage new compositions to be submitted to stimulate new church music locally and from a wider area. The Cathedral invites composers to submit new work in both junior and senior categories as outlined below, and will feature successful entries in their services and recitals. Scores should use the Cathedral’s musical resources as their basis, which includes choirs of boys, girls, six professional lay clerks, piano, and the four manual organ. Instrumental music will be as welcome as settings for voices.

Submissions are also invited for a hymn writing challenge, for new texts or melodies, and open to all ages. Successful scores will be prepared for performance and recording during the May New Music Week 2018.

Scores must be placed with the secretary (details below)  by 28th of February.

Competition Categories

The Junior Competition
Students will be in full-time education and be aged  16 years and under. Composers should use ONE of the ‘set texts’ as a springboard, and may write for voices or instruments as appropriate.

The Senior Competition
Entrants will  be aged  22 years and under. Composers should use ONE of the ‘set texts’ as a springboard, and may write for voices or instruments as appropriate.

The Hymn Factor : Open Class.
Provide an original Tune for a hymn text of your choice, or a text to a pre-existant melody. The hymn should be suitable for singing by the Cathedral Congregation.

Secretary: Prof. Philip Wilby, Skelton Windmill, Ripon Road, Boroughbridge, YO51 9DP
E-mail: Muspw@leeds.ac.uk

Set Texts
  1.   When the Lord restored the fortunes of   Zion,
    we were like those who dreamed.
    Our mouths were filled with laughter,
    our tongues with songs of joy.
    Then it was said among the nations,
    “The Lord has done great things for them.”
    (From Psalm 126)
  2. All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and with us sing,
alleluia, alleluia!
O burning sun with golden beam,
And shining moon with silver gleam,
O praise him, O praise him,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Paraphrased by Bishop KenSenior Competition.


I know not the song of thy praises,
Till Thou teach it, my God, to me;
Till I hear the still voice of thy Spirit,
Who speaketh for ever of Thee;
Till I hear the celestial singing,
And learn the new song of thy grace,
And then I shall tell forth the marvels
I learnt in thy secret place.
Thy marvels, not mine, far surpassing
All thoughts of my heart they must be;
I can but declare the glad tidings,
As Thou hast declared them to me.
Richard Rolle
Dear God, Our Heavenly Father, Gracious Lord,
Mother Love and Maker, Light Divine,
Atomic Fingertip, Cosmic Design,
First Letter of the Alphabet, Last Word,
Mutual Satisfaction, Cash Award,
Auditor Who Approves Our Bottom Line,
Examiner Who Says That We Are Fine,
Oasis That All Sands Are Running Toward.I can say almost anything about you,
O Big Idea, and with each epithet,
Create new reasons to believe or doubt you,
Black Hole, White Hole, Presidential Jet.
But what’s the anything I must leave out? You
Solve nothing but the problems that I set
Mark Jarman

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